Ladies Auxiliary
Beginning with the first Millstone Valley Ladies Auxiliary meeting on August 19, 1942 with 22 charter members present, the dedicated members have spent countless hours on fundraising as well as public service oriented projects, all of which were of benefit to the Millstone Valley Fire Department and community. In addition, the ladies auxiliary assist the Fire Department in its fundraising events throughout the year as well. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Millstone Valley Fire Department meeting room.
Over the years, the Ladies Auxiliary have sponsored dances, card parties, rummage sales, bake sales , luncheons, holiday bazaars, fruit pie sales, and our most current events being a Tricky Tray, Flower & Rose Sales, Comedy Night and the 2 day East Millstone Village Yard Sale. The support of the Firemen and the public has always been outstanding and appreciated. We have utilized our profits to purchase equipment and decorate the Firehouse as well as cash donations to the Fire Department.
The members of the ladies auxiliary take pride in their accomplishments and wish to thank all those who have contributed to our success and supported our organization in anyway. This includes members, past and present, of the Millstone Valley Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary, and the members of the community.
We look forward to many more years of prosperity.
Members |
Heather Warrelmann
President |
Marianne Zelinack
Vice President |
Corey McCarthy
Secretary |
Arlene Scheer*
Treasurer |
Kara May Stashek
Sergeant in Arms |
Marie Abate
Ladies Auxiliary Life Member |
Jennifer Baum
Ladies Auxiliary |
Carol Galvacky*
Ladies Auxiliary |
Wendy Heck
Ladies Auxiliary |
Angelika Howarth
Ladies Auxiliary |
Karen Jurgensen
Ladies Auxiliary |
Terry Kwiatek**
Ladies Auxiliary |
Jean Lazicky*
Ladies Auxiliary |
Connie McCarthy
Ladies Auxiliary |
Dawn McDonnell
Ladies Auxiliary |
Nicole Olsen
Ladies Auxiliary |
Diane Rosa
Ladies Auxiliary |
Lillian Scheer*
Ladies Auxiliary |
Naomi Shimalla
Ladies Auxiliary Life Member |
Donna Walp
Ladies Auxiliary |
Sue Warrelmann
Ladies Auxiliary |
Barbara Wolpert
Ladies Auxiliary |
Karen Ziobro
Ladies Auxiliary |
* Denotes Active Life Member / ** Denotes Deceased |
February 17th, 2018 by admin
Due to the expected snow Saturday night into Sunday morning, we are postponing the breakfast for 1 week. We will host the breakfast on Sunday, February 25th from 8am until 11:30am.
Join us Sunday morning, February 18th, for our annual Pancake Breakfast Buffet. Bring the entire family and take the morning off from cooking. We will be serving from 8am until 11:30am, but come early because when we run out, That’s it!
$9 for Adults, $7 Seniors, $4 Children under 10

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
February 8th, 2018 by admin
Due to the passing of a member and the service times, we will be opening our doors @ 3pm on Tuesday 2/13 and normal hours on Wednesday 2/14.
It’s that special time of year again, it’s time to show those special people in your life that you really care about them. Stop by the firehouse on Tuesday 2/13 and Wednesday 2/14 from 7am – 7pm.
As always, our supplies are not guaranteed, so please come early. We’ll try to keep this post and our social media updated with our quantities, but for most current information give us a call. 732-873-3800

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
March 10th, 2017 by admin

Join us on April 23rd for our 23rd annual Tricky Tray. The doors open at 1:30 pm with an admission fee of only $5. We will provide free coffee and desserts, and there will be plenty of other raffles and door prizes throughout the day. For more information please contact 908-229-9437.
Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
March 10th, 2017 by admin
Come by and get your Easter Flowers on April 14th from 8am – 5pm or April 15th from 9am – 1pm. We will have an assortment of flowers ranging in price from $5 to $30.
Then join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on April 15th at Noon. There will be separate groups based on age, so don’t hesitate to bring both the little and big kids.

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
February 7th, 2017 by admin
It’s that special time of year again, it’s time to show those special people in your life that you really care about them. Stop by the firehouse on Monday 2/13 and Tuesday 2/14 from 7am – 7pm.
As always, our supplies are not guaranteed, so please come early. We’ll try to keep this post and our social media updated with our quantities, but for most current information give us a call. 732-873-3800

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
February 3rd, 2017 by admin
Join us Sunday morning, February 19th, for our annual Pancake Breakfast Buffet. Bring the entire family and take the morning off from cooking. We will be serving from 8am until 11:30am, but come early because when we run out, That’s it!
$9 for Adults, $7 Seniors, $4 Children under 10
Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
May 14th, 2016 by admin
Get your unwanted items ready as the Millstone Valley Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will be sponsoring their annual Village Yard Sale. The 2 day event will take place on June 4th and June 5th Rain or Shine. We encourage you to register early at the discounted fee of $10 ($20 the day of).
See flyer for more information and registration form. If you did not receive a flyer or need more copies, please feel free to print this flyer out or pick them up at the Post Office or Sunrise Creek Deli.

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
March 19th, 2016 by admin

Join us on April 17th for our 22nd annual Tricky Tray. The doors open at 1:30 pm with an admission fee of only $4. We will provide free coffee and desserts, and there will be plenty of other raffles and door prizes throughout the day. For more information please contact 908-229-9437.
Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
March 19th, 2016 by admin
Make sure you come by and get your Easter Flowers on March 25th from 8am – 5pm or March 26th from 9am – 1pm. We will have an assortment of flowers ranging in price from $5 to $30.
Then join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on March 26th at Noon. There will be separate groups based on age, so don’t hesitate to bring both the little and big kids.

Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary
February 2nd, 2016 by admin
Join us Sunday morning, February 21st, for our annual Pancake Breakfast Buffet. Bring the entire family and take the morning off from cooking. We will be serving from 8am until 11:30am, but come early because when we run out, That’s it!
$9 for Adults, $7 Seniors, $4 Children under 10
Posted in Events, Ladies Auxiliary