12 years ago the most unimaginable terroristic acts occurred on our country. With the cause yet not fully known, hundreds of emergency workers responded to the Twin Towers to begin to mitigate the problem. Why? Because that is what we do. We go where there is a need, without question, without prejudice, without hesitation.
Never Forget is not just another slogan that the fire service created, it’s a mindset. It goes far beyond the fire service. We as Americans, regardless of race, creed, religion, must never forget that those who perished that day were not victims of some accident, they were MURDERED. We must remember them and honor their legacies.
For the emergency service personnel that gave their lives, we will never forget the 343 that died that day. But Never Forget can’t stop at those 343; since the attacks over 1,000 people have developed a WTC cancer. We must not forget that these men and woman gave selfishly of themselves to help those in need, who now have health issues.
Please take today to remember that firefighters give whatever is needed, to whoever is needing, whenever they can. We don’t do it for the glory, we don’t do it for the money, we do it for the community’s we serve.
NEVER FORGET 343 and ALL Emergency Service Personnel